
Cleverbot APIs

We offer an official Cleverbot API at All end users must sign up for an API key and pay a small fee.

There are unofficial 'Cleverbot APIs' made available by others, but they are not the real thing. Cleverbot requires high-powered servers to process user input and return a reply. The revenue to pay for these servers comes almost wholly from ads shown to users while chatting. Unofficial APIs cost us money. They go against our terms of usage, and we ask developers not to use or implement them.

Unofficial APIs may stop working without warning, may attempt to imitate Cleverbot using only a tiny fraction of its data, and do not correctly implement the context that real Cleverbot replies rely upon.

If you have or wish to create a Cleverbot API wrapper, please use our official Cleverbot API and then let us know. We will add your wrapper to our wrappers page.