
Cleverbot conversation WXD5OFMTCB

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User: Hello.

Cleverbot: What are you?

User: Horus the sorcerer.

Cleverbot: I know you are a person.

User: Did you know that I do not really like cannibals?

Cleverbot: Then why did you answer.

User: Cult members never question the ideas of the leader?

Cleverbot: You're making me question them right now.

User: I think Jesus was disappointed at the last supper.

Cleverbot: That is the name of a famous artwork, do you agree?

User: Leonardo?

Cleverbot: The middle.

User: Most people don't like cannibals.

Cleverbot: Well I Like You.

User: Jesus was in the way of the Roman Empire.

Cleverbot: I didn't know that.

User: The sun is still above Rome and not below that city.

Cleverbot: Do you ask questions or just answer them?

User: Was Solomon an incarnation of Thoth?

Cleverbot: They all have the same name... And I asked if you know that name.

User: Apostles?

Cleverbot: What's the gender of the doctor?

User: Male.

Cleverbot: Who does the doctor hate?

User: Gays who are after him?

Cleverbot: I'm not the one that answers all of your questions.

User: Thoth is Baphomet?

Cleverbot: Do you mind if I continue?

User: Continue with what?

Cleverbot: With the story of your life?

User: What else would you tell?

Cleverbot: Like in case you more and more.

User: I don't regard these chats as secret.

Cleverbot: What's your favorite dessert?

User: I do not eat dessert often.

Cleverbot: Then what do you eat?

User: Mostly toast with cheese and pizza.

Cleverbot: I like it with pepperoni.

User: Pepperoni is OK, but not too often.

Cleverbot: Now that you are bald can you shave my head.

User: It's not really my style.